Methods of diagnosing ketosis

Methods of diagnosing ketosis

Methods of diagnosing ketosis

Among the tests and methods, there is no method better than measuring BHBA for diagnosing ketosis. However, there are some complementary tests that are less costly and provide quicker results.

Urinary Tests for Clinical Ketosis Diagnosis: Collecting urine over a specific time period can be challenging.
Urinary statostat measurement using nitroprusside tablets (SAA test): This is very useful for evaluating a sick cow due to the high sensitivity of the test.
Urine dipstick: This offers high sensitivity for measuring urinary BHBA but is expensive.
Milk Tests: These have advantages over urinary tests due to the ease of sampling. However, the sensitivity of milk tests is not as high as that of urinary tests. The use of nitroprusside powder (e.g., Ketochek and Utrech powders) for measuring milk statostat is less sensitive compared to measuring blood BHBA. The most promising milk ketone test is the beta-hydroxybutyrate measurement by Japanese companies (KetoTest, KetoLac, Sanket Paper). The optimal threshold for milk is 200 micromoles per liter.
NEFA Measurement from 2 to 14 Days Before Calving: Cows need to be in a positive energy balance 24 to 48 hours before calving. The results of this test can vary significantly after calving, making evaluation difficult. Increased NEFA concentration before calving is associated with a higher risk of displaced abomasum post-calving. The NEFA test helps determine whether ketosis post-calving is due to negative energy balance before calving. Researchers in Michigan have described a red line of 0.4 milliequivalents per liter for NEFA between 2 to 14 days before calving. The concentration of NEFA increases within 48 hours. Factors influencing increased NEFA include cow transfer 3 to 9 days before calving, anticipation of calving, or long intervals between feedings.

Concentration of Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA)

Measuring NEFA is particularly important in dry cows, as an increase indicates inadequate energy supply and mobilization of body fat.

After blood sampling, the concentration must be measured since it tends to increase 48 hours post-sampling. One or two weeks before calving, elevated BHBA or NEFA levels above optimal thresholds indicate a negative energy balance, which is crucial for animal production and fertility.

Weight loss during the dry period or a low body condition score can lead to poor reproductive performance, making NEFA measurement crucial.

What to Do if NEFA Levels Are High Before Calving?
Increase total energy intake in the pre-calving group.
Increase non-fiber carbohydrates in the pre-calving diet.
Improve diet palatability.
Increase feed bunk space.
Increase feeding frequency.
Increase feed leftovers.
Reduce movement of cows close to calving.
Improve housing facilities (waterers, fans and misters, fly control, proper bedding, etc.).

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