Suitable Guide for Raising Broiler Chickens
In this article, we intend to discuss the complete steps of raising broiler chickens and utilizing poultry farming projects. Stay with Yekta Dam Persian.
Steps for Raising Broiler Chickens
Proper Preparation of the Facilities
Choosing the Right Chicks (considering the age of the parent flock and relevant history).
Using Appropriate Feed During the Initial Hatching Period, known as the golden period of growth. We recommend using the Super Star feed from Mervarid Dane, as it has shown double cooking efficiency and remarkable performance due to growth stimulants.
Using Mash Feed During the Growth Period is recommended for the following reasons:
Aligning the growth of organs and tissues to prevent diseases such as SDS, ascites, and viral and metabolic diseases.
Developing the digestive system.
Ensuring flock uniformity and reducing feed costs during this period.
Using Finisher Feed 1 along with mash for a duration of 5 days.
Using Finisher Feed 2 Pellets until Slaughter to achieve suitable weight and improve carcass quality.
During the Growth Period, in addition to using appropriate feed, vaccination and disinfection programs, suitable lighting, and proper ventilation should be implemented, which can be assisted by experts.
Recommended Lighting Program
For the first 3 days: 1 hour of light.
From day 3 onward: 45 minutes every night until reaching 8 hours.
From day 31: Reduce by 45 minutes each night until reaching 2 hours.
For the 3 days before slaughter: 2 hours of light.
For the last 3 days: 1 hour of light.
This lighting program may vary depending on flock conditions, so please contact the relevant expert if issues arise.